The Middle Stone Age (MSA) of Southern Africa, a period roughly dating to between
300.000 and 30.000 years BP, has received intensive research within the last century
and especially since the mid-1980s when scientists recognized that the origins of
anatomically modern humans (AMH) reach back into the beginnings of the MSA.
While in Asia, Australia, Europe and the new world AMH’s presence is documented
the first time between 100.000 and 15.000 years before present (BP) the oldest
evidence from Africa dates back to 300.000 BP. Within this period several
innovations emerged such as personal ornaments, symbolism, burials and advanced
techniques of stone tool production, most of them later than 100.000 BP. Since stone
artifacts are the most commonly preserved archaeological remains, the
understanding of lithic technology and its variability throughout time and space
represents the essential tool of stone age archaeology and allows the reconstruction
of past human societies behavior in a broad spectrum of aspects including mobility
patterns, adaption to different internal and external circumstances and cultural
change. In the last decades a growing number of innovations associated with the
term “cultural modernity” mentioned above was recovered from two distinct technocomplexes
respectively the Still Bay (SB) and Howiesons Poort (HP). This and a high
density of well-preserved archaeological sites on the west and south coast of South
Africa led to a limited approach to the MSA both regionally and temporally.
Consequently other time periods such as post Howiesons Poort (post HP), late MSA
or final MSA associated with the Marine Isotope Stage 3 (MIS3) have received
substantially less attention and the archaeological region of eastern South Africa,
especially KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) remained understudied. In sum, five archaeological
sites containing MSA occupations are present in KZN. However Sibudu remained a
hallmark in the region for many years due to its extraordinarily good conditions of
preservation and deep stratigraphic sequence. Umhlatuzana and Border Cave have
received comparatively little attention and the remaining two sites Holley Shelter and
Umbeli Belli have either been analyzed insufficiently or even completely forgotten.
Thus this thesis aims to provide solid archaeological data for the MIS3 assemblages
from Holley Shelter, Umbeli Belli and Sibudu. It shall further outline the degree of
cultural variability and flexibility within this time period. The results rest on
reinvestigations of previously excavated museum collections such as the material from Holley Shelter but also on new data recovered from recent excavations using
modern techniques of documentation and analytical procedures.