The first part of the thesis describes the concept and the set-up of a dedicated Hall-effect-measurement system for investigation of gas-sensitive material under defined conditions. The electronic set-up, the generation of the magnetic field using a rotating permanent magnet, and the ceramic Hall-structure is described. Nanocrystalline, palladium-doped tinoxide material for use with thick-film technology was characterized with respect to conductivity, hall-mobility and carrier concentration in different gas atmospheres. A short review on the theory of the Hall effect in polycrystalline materials is included. Microhotplates in silicon-based thin-film technology, designed for use in automotive applications, were coated with this material in the second part of the thesis. These miniaturized sensors consume little power, give highly reproducible results and are thermally stable. Mechanical, electrical, and thermal properties were investigated. The sensor signal was evaluated for various test gases and humidity levels. Scanning electron microscopy was used to characterize the structure and its behavior under thermal stress and thermal overload. These sensors were combined in an array together with electrochemical cells, quartz microbalance and field-effect sensors. Air quality and the concentration of several combustible gases in traffic air were measured on-line during a test drive. Two set-ups for mobile use are introduced. The sensor data, human odor impressions of the driver, the traffic situation, and the position of the car during the test drive were recorded simultaneously. Based on these data, different algorithms for automated on-line control of the air intake flap were developed. Their effectiveness in reduction of hazardous air components in the car interior was verified by the test drive data.