The Water Evaluation and Planning Tool (WEAP): An Overview (Briefing 2.1)

DSpace Repository


Dokumentart: Other
Date: 2013
Language: English
Faculty: 9 Sonstige / Externe
Department: Sonstige/Externe
DDC Classifikation: 333.7 - Natural resources and energy
Keywords: Modellierung , Jordantal , Hydrologie , Wasserreserve , Klimaänderung , Wirtschaftstheorie
Other Keywords: Wassermanagement , Regionale Zusammenarbeit
Modeling , Jordan River Basin , Water management , Water resources , Global change , Socioeconomic scenarios
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The Water Evaluation and Planning (WEAP) tool is a computer model based on waterbalance accounting principles, used to test different climate and socio-economic scenarios and adaptation options for water management. Use of WEAP is central to ensuring an integrative approach when analyzing the water resources of a region, such as was needed for the GLOWA Jordan River project. WEAP allows for the testing of different scenarios (situations varying in water supply, demand and quality), informing adaptive management strategies. WEAP is used to develop and assess a variety of scenarios involving different physical changes to the regional water system, such as transfers or desalination, as well as socio-economic changes, such as population growth or policies affecting water allocations. The implications of these variables can be evaluated with WEAP’s graphical display of results. The existing applications combined make WEAP a de-facto standard integrated water resource management tool in the Jordan River region, and represent the most significant tool introduced by the GLOWA Jordan River project. Numerous regional scientists and water managers have become proficient with WEAP, providing a strong base for further harmonization of planning efforts and consolidation of data. Scientific model integration and basin-wide data exchange – a precondition for finding sustainable and politically viable water management solutions – have been fostered by the GLOWA Jordan River project via WEAP. Stakeholders have continuously stated the importance of an ongoing exchange between scientists and stakeholders, and introducing WEAP has improved the ability of these parties to engage in productive consultation and dialogue. Current WEAP activities and the GLOWA Jordan River network of researchers and stakeholders provide an excellent base for transboundary initiatives addressing a sustainable water management and promoting cooperation in the Jordan River region.

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