Is physical activity associated with less depression and anxiety during the COVID-10 pandemic? : A rapid systematic review

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Is physical activity associated with less depression and anxiety during the COVID-10 pandemic? : A rapid systematic review

Author: Wolf, Sebastian; Seiffer, Britta; Zeibig, Johanna-Marie; Welkerling, Jana; Brokmeier, Luisa; Atrott, Beatrice; Ehring, Thomas; Schuch, Felipe Barreto
Tübinger Autor(en):
Wolf, Sebastian
Seiffer, Britta
Zeibig, Johanna-Marie
Welkerling, Jana
Atrott, Beatrice
Published in: Sports medicine - Berlin [u.a.] : Springer (2021), Bd. 51, H. 8, S. 1771-1783
Language: English
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Dokumentart: Article
Reference: 180942450X
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