Quantitative chest CT analysis in patients with systemic sclerosis before and after autologous stem cell transplantation: comparison of results with those of pulmonary function tests and clinical tests

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Quantitative chest CT analysis in patients with systemic sclerosis before and after autologous stem cell transplantation: comparison of results with those of pulmonary function tests and clinical tests

Autor(en): Kloth, Christopher; Thaiss, Wolfgang Maximilian; Preibsch, Heike; Mark, Klemens; Koetter, Ina; Hetzel, Juergen; Nikolaou, Konstantin; Henes, Jorg; Horger, Marius
Tübinger Autor(en):
Kloth, Christopher
Thaiss, Wolfgang Maximilian
Preibsch, Heike
Mark, Klemens Gregor
Hetzel, Jürgen
Nikolaou, Konstantin
Henes, Jörg Christoph
Horger, Marius
Erschienen in: Rheumatology (2016), Bd. 55, H. 10, S. 1763-1770
Verlagsangabe: Oxford Univ Press
Sprache: Englisch
Referenz zum Volltext: http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/rheumatology/kew259
ISSN: 1462-0332
DDC-Klassifikation: 610 - Medizin, Gesundheit
Dokumentart: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
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