Non-invasive measurement of renal perfusion and oxygen metabolism to predict postoperative acute kidney injury in neonates and infants after cardiopulmonary bypass surgery

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Non-invasive measurement of renal perfusion and oxygen metabolism to predict postoperative acute kidney injury in neonates and infants after cardiopulmonary bypass surgery

Author: Neunhoeffer, F.; Wiest, M.; Sandner, K.; Renk, H.; Heimberg, E.; Haller, C.; Kumpf, M.; Schlensak, C.; Hofbeck, M.
Tübinger Autor(en):
Neunhoeffer, Felix Sebastian Daniel
Wiest, Milena
Sandner, Katharina
Renk, Hanna
Heimberg, Ellen
Haller, Christoph
Kumpf, Matthias
Schlensak, Christian
Hofbeck, Michael
Published in: British Journal of Anaesthesia (2016), Bd. 117, H. 5, S. 623-634
Verlagsangabe: Oxford Univ Press
Language: English
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ISSN: 1471-6771
DDC Classifikation: 610 - Medicine and health
Dokumentart: Article
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