The Antibiotic Resistant Target Seeker (ARTS), an exploration engine for antibiotic cluster prioritization and novel drug target discovery

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The Antibiotic Resistant Target Seeker (ARTS), an exploration engine for antibiotic cluster prioritization and novel drug target discovery

Author: Alanjary, Mohammad; Kronmiller, Brent; Adamek, Martina; Blin, Kai; Weber, Tilmann; Huson, Daniel; Philmus, Benjamin; Ziemert, Nadine
Tübinger Autor(en):
Alanjary, Mohammad
Adamek, Martina Maria
Huson, Daniel
Ziemert, Nadine
Published in: Nucleic Acids Research (2017), Bd. 45, H. W1, S. W42-W48
Verlagsangabe: Oxford Univ Press
Language: English
Full text:
ISSN: 1362-4962
DDC Classifikation: 570 - Life sciences; biology
Dokumentart: Article
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