Decoding upper limb residual muscle activity in severe chronic stroke

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Decoding upper limb residual muscle activity in severe chronic stroke

Author: Ramos-Murguialday, Ander; Garcia-Cossio, Eliana; Walter, Armin; Cho, Woosang; Broetz, Doris; Bogdan, Martin; Cohen, Leonardo G.; Birbaumer, Niels
Tübinger Autor(en):
Ramos-Murguialday, Ander
García Cossio, Eliana
Walter, Armin
Cho, Woosang
Bogdan, Martin
Birbaumer, Niels-Peter
Brötz, Doris
Published in: Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology (2015), Bd. 2, H. 1, S. 1-11
Verlagsangabe: Wiley - Blackwell
Language: English
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ISSN: 2328-9503
DDC Classifikation: 570 - Life sciences; biology
610 - Medicine and health
Dokumentart: Article
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