Broadly neutralizing human monoclonal JC polyomavirus VP1-specific antibodies as candidate therapeutics for progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy

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Broadly neutralizing human monoclonal JC polyomavirus VP1-specific antibodies as candidate therapeutics for progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy

Author: Jelcic, Ivan; Combaluzier, Benoit; Jelcic, Ilijas; Faigle, Wolfgang; Senn, Luzia; Reinhart, Brenda J.; Stroeh, Luisa; Nitsch, Roger M.; Stehle, Thilo; Sospedra, Mireia; Grimm, Jan; Martin, Roland
Tübinger Autor(en):
Stehle, Thilo
Ströh, Luisa Johanna
Published in: Science Translational Medicine (2015), Bd. 7, Article 306ra150
Verlagsangabe: Amer Assoc Advancement Science
Language: English
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ISSN: 1946-6242
DDC Classifikation: 570 - Life sciences; biology
610 - Medicine and health
Dokumentart: Article
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