Historical Analysis and Territory. A Contribution to the Study of the Defense of the City of Lisbon – The Peninsular Wars

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Zur Kurzanzeige

dc.contributor.other Clark, J.T. [Hg.] de_DE
dc.date.accessioned 2015-03-24T15:17:07Z
dc.date.available 2015-03-24T15:17:07Z
dc.date.issued 2007 de_DE
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/10900/61661
dc.identifier.uri http://dx.doi.org/10.15496/publikation-3083
dc.language.iso en de_DE
dc.publisher Budapest : Archaeolingua en
dc.rights ubt-podno de_DE
dc.subject.classification Archäoinformatik de_DE
dc.subject.ddc 930 de_DE
dc.title Historical Analysis and Territory. A Contribution to the Study of the Defense of the City of Lisbon – The Peninsular Wars en
dc.type Article de_DE
utue.publikation.seiten CD-ROM 253-258 de_DE
utue.personen.roh Rua, H. de_DE
utue.personen.roh de_DE
utue.publikation.seitengesamt 499 de_DE
dcterms.DCMIType Text de_DE
utue.opus.portal caa de_DE
utue.publikation.source CAA2006 - Digital Discovery. Exploring New Frontiers in Human Heritage. CAA2006. Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology. Proceedings of the 34th Conference, Fargo, United States, April 2006 de_DE


Das Dokument erscheint in:

  • CAA [1773]
    Computer Applications in Archaeology - Auflistung der Jahrgangsbände

Zur Kurzanzeige