DEPDC5 Mutations in Genetic Focal Epilepsies of Childhood

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DEPDC5 Mutations in Genetic Focal Epilepsies of Childhood

Author: Lal, Dennis; Reinthaler, Eva M.; Schubert, Julian; Muhle, Hiltrud; Riesch, Erik; Kluger, Gerhard; Jabbari, Kamel; Kawalia, Amit; Baeumel, Christine; Holthausen, Hans; Hahn, Andreas; Feucht, Martha; Neophytou, Birgit; Haberlandt, Edda; Becker, Felicitas; Altmueller, Janine; Thiele, Holger; Lemke, Johannes R.; Lerche, Holger; Nuernberg, Peter; Sander, Thomas; Weber, Yvonne; Zimprich, Fritz; Neubauer, Bernd A.
Tübinger Autor(en):
Schubert, Julian
Becker, Felicitas
Lerche, Holger
Weber, Yvonne G.
Published in: Annals of Neurology (2014), Bd. 75, H. 5, S. 788-792
Verlagsangabe: Wiley - Blackwell
Language: English
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ISSN: 0364-5134
DDC Classifikation: 610 - Medicine and health
570 - Life sciences; biology
Dokumentart: Article
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