Browsing 4 Medizinische Fakultät by Author "Armbruster, Philipp Carlos"

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Browsing 4 Medizinische Fakultät by Author "Armbruster, Philipp Carlos"

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  • Armbruster, Philipp Carlos (2020-12-22); PhDThesis; Publication in peer-reviewed journal: Singer, W, Kasini, K, Manthey, M, Eckert, P, Armbruster, P, Vogt, M, Jaumann, M, Dotta, M, Yamahara, K, Harasztosi, C, Zimmermann, U, Knipper, M, Rüttiger, L (2018). The glucocorticoid antagonist mifepristone attenuates sound-induced long-term deficits in auditory nerve response and central auditory processing in female rats. — FASEB Journal: 2018 Jun;32(6):3005-3019