Browsing TOBIAS-lib - Publikationen und Dissertationen by Author "Egle, Stephanie Ingrid"

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Browsing TOBIAS-lib - Publikationen und Dissertationen by Author "Egle, Stephanie Ingrid"

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  • Egle, Stephanie Ingrid (2020-03-20); PhDThesis; Bruck, C., Derstroff, S., Jacob, H., Wolf-Arehult, M., Wekenmann, S., & Wildgruber, D. (2017). Perception of Verbal and Nonverbal Emotional Signals in Women With Borderline Personality Disorder: Evidence of a Negative Bias and an Increased Reliance on Nonverbal Cues. J Pers Disord, 31(2), 221-231. doi:10.1521/pedi_2016_30_245 Bruck, C., Derstroff, S., & Wildgruber, D. (2018). Fear of Being Laughed at in Borderline Personality Disorder. Front Psychol, 9, 4. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00004