Portosystemic pressure reduction achieved with TIPPS and impact of portosystemic collaterals for the prediction of the portosystemic-pressure gradient in cirrhotic patients

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Portosystemic pressure reduction achieved with TIPPS and impact of portosystemic collaterals for the prediction of the portosystemic-pressure gradient in cirrhotic patients

Author: Groezinger, Gerd; Wiesinger, Benjamin; Schmehl, Joerg; Kramer, Ulrich; Mehra, Tarun; Grosse, Ulrich; Koenig, Claudius
Tübinger Autor(en):
Wiesinger, Benjamin
Kramer, Ulrich
Mehra, Tarun
Grosse, Ulrich
Grözinger, Gerd Christian
Schmehl, Jörg-Martin
König, Claudius Walther
Published in: European Journal of Radiology (2013), Bd. 82, H. 12, S. 2258-2264
Verlagsangabe: Elsevier Ireland Ltd
Language: English
Full text: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ejrad.2013.08.017
ISSN: 0720-048X
DDC Classifikation: 610 - Medicine and health
Dokumentart: Article
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