Unravelling the structural complexity and photophysical properties of adamantyl-based layered hybrid perovskites

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Unravelling the structural complexity and photophysical properties of adamantyl-based layered hybrid perovskites

Author: Jahanbakhshi, Farzaneh; Mladenovic, Marko; Kneschaurek, Ekaterina; Merten, Lena; Gelvez-Rueda, Maria C.; Ahlawat, Paramvir; Li, Yang; Ducinskas, Algirdas; Hinderhofer, Alexander; Dar, M. Ibrahim; Tress, Wolfgang; Carlsen, Brian; Ummadisingu, Amita; Zakeeruddin, Shaik M.; Hagfeldt, Anders; Schreiber, Frank; Grozema, Ferdinand C.; Rothlisberger, Ursula; Milic, Jovana, V; Graetzel, Michael
Tübinger Autor(en):
Kneschaurek, Ekaterina
Merten, Lena
Hinderhofer, Alexander
Schreiber, Frank
Published in: Journal of Materials Chemistry A (2020), Bd. 8, H. 34, S. 17732-17740
Verlagsangabe: Royal Soc Chemistry
Language: English
Full text: http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/d0ta05022a
ISSN: 2050-7496
DDC Classifikation: 530 - Physics
540 - Chemistry and allied sciences
600 - Technology
Dokumentart: Article
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